When my daughter came home from Australia yesterday and handed me a Turkish towel as her gift, I knew what I had to write about today.

Americans are not so familiar with Turkish towels – they are all the rage in Australia

Pictures don’t do them justice. They are wonderful. Before we get into that, her gift also brought me back to the time we traveled to Istanbul, just the two of us. We were in Tel Aviv and we decided to take the short trip from Tel Aviv to Istanbul, a city on my bucket list.

Turkey. A city that is so in your face – it bombards you with tastes and smells, ancient and modern, chaos and mystery.  Visiting a traditional Turkish bath was a highlight of the trip.



Cagaloglu Hamami, built in 1741, by Sultan Mahmout

Basically you strip down and are assigned a personal loofah glove and a masseuse. These are strong, large, mostly naked no-nonsense masseuses.  The ritual involves vigorous washing and scrubbing, not for light weights! They spin you around on the smooth marble like you are made of rubber. I kept trying to peak at my daughter to check if she was ok. Then come the hoses with mega water pressure to rinse you off, again being pulled and spun like a top, sliding all over the marble.

There we experienced the Turkish towel.Our first Turkish towel encounter

Besides being so aesthetically pleasing, these towels are so practical. They are made of deliciously soft cotton. They pack up nice and small. You can use it as a beach towel, a picnic blanket, a scarf or a sarong. They beckon thoughts of the Sultans and marble baths and wondrous universality of life, the old and the new. 

Mark my words, these towels will become as ubiquitous here in the states as they are in Australia, so I am giving you a hot tip ;-). You can find them, of course, on Amazon. Be sure they are the pure Turkish cotton. Summer is approaching, let me know what you think.