How does a tulip bulb hold so much green?
So much crazy red opening to the sun?
So much yellow-gold effrontery?
You too hold so much greenness
And a wild array of colors—
Splash of viridian, chartreuse and crimson.
Combine sun, warmth, and rain– –
Root down into the generous earth.
Does a flower ask its purpose?
Be rooted and sure in your beauty.
Bloom where you are planted.
Reach for the sun.
And when the gloaming turns cobalt,
then midnight blue,
Let the full Flower Moon seed your dreams.

Therese Guise is an artist, poet and friend of mine living in Eastern Iowa. We met at a writers’ workshop led by Judy Bridges called “Shut up and Write!” – which motivated both of us to do so. Her honors include Out Loud’s Best Poem of the Year and winner of the Upper Mississippi River Valley Poetry Contest. Publications include the Out Loud Anthology and the Off-Channel Anthology.

I am proud to publish her poem, Flower Moon, on loveandmedicine.