Flower Moon

Flower Moon

How does a tulip bulb hold so much green? So much crazy red opening to the sun? So much yellow-gold effrontery? You too hold so much greenness And a wild array of colors— Splash of viridian, chartreuse and crimson. Combine sun, warmth, and rain– – Root...
Are You Due For A Tune-Up?

Are You Due For A Tune-Up?

Dr. Annie K’s Spring Sex Tune-up   The human body is an absolute wonder. The way it bends and stretches, responds to pain and pleasure, protects us. It is upon us to take the time to honor and respect our bodies – by both daily words of gratitude and royal...
Not Feeling The Spring Fever? You’re Not Alone.

Not Feeling The Spring Fever? You’re Not Alone.

April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain For the last three months we have been exposed to cooler temperatures, a decrease in daylight hours and a desire for heavier comfort...