These are unprecedented times. Every person in the world has been affected by COVID-19.

How we react is generally in line with our personalties. The anxious become more anxious and the cynics deny, deny, deny until they can’t anymore. Then there are people who have responded in a completely unexpected way. Those who know them are left scratching their heads thinking “I’ve never seen him like that before”.

We are being instructed how to act. We are required to follow rules to keep ourselves, our families and our communities safe. Despite social distancing we are more connected than ever before.

This virus cannot be seen or felt it but it is in the air. Or on that surface you just touched. * note to self – I need to disinfect this keyboard. It is a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe there is no right place, it is all wrong. Except home.

We think that suddenly we are living with uncertainty. The truth is the uncertainty is always there. We think we control it by following certain traditions, symbolic dates on the calendar and rituals.

Now our markers – appointments, work, concerts, church, sports, buying what we need at a store – are gone.

This is our challenge as humans. We will make it work – set up home gyms, watch Netflix, work from home, catch up on nagging tasks. Making it work is not enough. We need to make this a meaningful time both mentally and spiritually. We can’t just wait until it’s over – that may be a very long time.