
Worst-kept Secret

  On a dark night in Tokyo, we were on a mission to find Ben Fiddich. The address was right but there was no sign. Had it closed since our friend had been there?  We entered a sketchy elevator to the 9th floor, climbed a rickety outdoor staircase and walked...

The Shocking Truth about Narcissistic Personality

    Spoiler alert: if you plan to see The Undoing, wait until after you've seen it to read this article. If you're not planning to watch the series, read on as we explore one of the most intriguing disorders in psychology. Psychiatry and film - two of my...


loveandmedicine.com has had a great year. In case you may have missed something, here are all of the posts from 2019. Read and reread! This year I'd love to see more comments and dialog. ASK DR. ANNIE K. is open 24/7 and is 100% anonymous. I know there is a lot of...

Am I the only one who thought The Marriage Story was lousy?

*spoiler alert- for readers who have seen The Marriage Story or those with no interest in suffering through it.   It is partly my fault. My expectations were über high. The hype - the actors, director, subject matter - all right up my alley. I had the December...

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