The Psychiatrist in Film

The Psychiatrist in Film

In residency, I spent a good deal of my time analysing the portrayal of the psychiatrist in film. At that time, Prince of Tides, a movie based on a book by Pat Conroy, was huge and certainly convinced a good number of confused medical students to go into the field of...
Let’s Talk About Valentine’s Day

Let’s Talk About Valentine’s Day

That is, Valentine’s Day.  What is the origin of Valentine’s Day? Who was Saint Valentine?  What’s the deal with the heart symbol?  Emperor Claudius II decreed around 270 AD that no one could marry because soldiers were needed to protect the growing...
Ask Dr. Annie K: Being There for a Friend

Ask Dr. Annie K: Being There for a Friend

A dear friend of mine lost her father a year ago and consistently brings him up in conservation. It’s hard when she goes on and on about how great he was and how she lost six significant males in her life within one year. My dad passed away ten years ago and I...