Hi! I’m Dr. Annie K.

I’m Done Being Called a Downer
Hey I'm back! I'm sitting in the kitchen with my laptop, noshing on homegrown pears as I reflect on the summer of 2022. The highs were exquisite and the lows were pretty damn dark. If you want me to photoshop this newsletter, it is not going to happen. I promised...
Is It Time to Jump Ship?
Considering the circumstances, do you feel the best you could possibly be feeling? Every day while locked in hotel quarantine, an Australian government social worker called me and posed that question. I thought it was a clever way to ask and it gave me pause to really...
Happy New Year 2022
What a year, right?!  Thank you to my Love and Medicine readers, I am truly grateful for your support. With so much to read out there, I am glad you choose me. Continue to comment and provide feedback. All of your emails and Ask Dr. Annie K. questions are anonymous....
"I have been struggling with anxiety and depression throughout most of my life. However, the past few months I have started to notice that these feelings get a lot worse right before and during my period. During my period I feel like I am at my very lowest -...
Age Like Nobody’s Watching
Life goes so slow. Slow, like molasses. I don’t understand why people say it goes by fast. My kids should be older than they are by now - their childhoods were long and so was mine. I have lived many lives in this one lifetime. I'm guessing I’m in the minority on this...
Now You Can Go to Turkey
When my dad in Milwaukee was diagnosed with cancer in 1998, we were living in Israel. We built a home in the community of Maccabim, halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It was a modest townhouse with a small yard big enough to accommodate a patio, an inflatable...
What do Baked Feta Pasta and Chlorophyll have in Common?
ASK DR. ANNIE K. Your intriguing post on L-theanine inspired me to ask about natural supplements for mental health. I was told that a drop of liquid chlorophyll in your water can do wonders for your mental health and clarity, skin, digestive system and more. I thought...
Welcome to Hotel Quarantine
Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before "Relax, " said the night man, "We are programmed to receive. You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave."                                      ...
Hey Dr, Annie! I've recently read a few articles and seen a few videos about the technique of Gua Sha facial massage. I've read that doing this consistently can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and puffiness, improve circulation and provide relaxation and...
My son bought Bitcoin for $30 in 2015. Today it is worth $5400.
In 2017,  when the price of one Bitcoin went up to $19,000, I texted my son:     What is Bitcoin and why re-post this article? Because bitcoin is hot! I won't be giving financial advice but I do think the world of cryptocurrency is fascinating. Think of this...
L-theanine for Anxiety
Hi Dr. Annie K! I love your blog and always look forward to learning more about love, medicine and more from your intriguing posts. I'm in a bit of a pickle. I love coffee and need it to stay awake throughout the day, but I am extremely sensitive to caffeine and it...
The Shocking Truth about Narcissistic Personality
    Spoiler alert: if you plan to see The Undoing, wait until after you've seen it to read this article. If you're not planning to watch the series, read on as we explore one of the most intriguing disorders in psychology. Psychiatry and film - two of my...
Hello darkness, my old friend.
I appreciate the change of season by the end of summer. The orange, brown, maroon tones and fabrics of fall fashion make me long for their feel against my skin. Climbing on a chair to retrieve the crockpot evokes the aroma of rich umami stews and soups. Pumpkin, sweet...
Out of Whack: Living in 2020
Love and Medicine is groping for words. My emotions are all over the place. I cry at the drop of a hat. Sometimes the tears are tears of joy. Other times my heart aches for those I love who are far from me. There are days I wake up hypomanic, filled with ideas, energy...
Bidet? YES!
This is Bidet Part 2, a follow-up from the article published April 3, 2020. Read that first. Spoiler alert! I’m going to talk straight about the bidet. I’m not going to go on about how awesome it is. I’m going to tell you about the process. How my love evolved. Which...
Do You Dare Eat a Peach?
Let’s think about the peach. The vibrant mix of fiery orange and red sweeping its surface. How sexy is that shape - with the round, fuzzy curvature and visible crack? It baits you to take a big messy bite, juice running down your chin. The sweet flesh a wake up call...
The Covid-19 Self-Care Tip No One is Talking About
Here we are. Entering the fourth month of sheltering at home. I'm quite comfortable with it at this point. I have developed a quarantine routine that works. The two highlights of the day are waking up and getting in bed at night. I've been doing the quarantine shuffle...
Polio: Our Parents’ Plague
"Your mom walks funny" a friend said one day in elementary school. I had never noticed my mom walking any different than anyone else. Just like I didn't realize my dad had a Czechoslovakian accent. That is when I found out my mom had polio 40 years earlier. The virus...
Staying at Home
Since we are home, and being ordered to stay home, I am re-publishing an article I wrote two years ago. The first paragraph sounds like a different lifetime but still, read on.. Walking down the narrow corridor between the rows on an airplane, waiting as people...
I rarely talk about products on this blog. Remember when I saved you $38 by advising you not to buy Sex Dust? The shortage of toilet paper right now is real. Keeping two houses stocked is a challenge, especially when you are limited to one pack per order. We all would...
There’s a tradition in our family started by Eva, my dad’s wife, to make a big pot of soup and have it ready when someone comes home from a trip. When you are jetlagged, the last thing you want to do is go out to a restaurant or cook. After a shower, opening the...
Pandemic Pandemonium
These are unprecedented times. Every person in the world has been affected by COVID-19. How we react is generally in line with our personalties. The anxious become more anxious and the cynics deny, deny, deny until they can’t anymore. Then there are people who have...
Freedom from Worry
Now that we understand how dangerous it is to worry, readers are asking for answers on how to control it. Physician, Heal Thyself is an ancient proverb appearing in Luke 4:23. How can a worried psychiatrist treat worried patients? My answer? Better than a psychiatrist...
  The most beautiful love song ever written. Tons of love to all of you from Loveandmedicine.com and Dr. Annie K.
I come from a family of worriers. My mom and her twin sister were always “fretting.” Other family members are worriers. My friends are worriers too. I am surrounded by people who worry. They may call it by other names like insomnia, back pain, or fatigue. I worry...
Momentum is everything. Most of my readers know how much I love football. During the recent playoffs, I don't know how many times I said/texted/tweeted the word “momentum”, but it was a lot. That sense that the team with the momentum is unstoppable, fueled by the...
loveandmedicine.com has had a great year. In case you may have missed something, here are all of the posts from 2019. Read and reread! This year I'd love to see more comments and dialog. ASK DR. ANNIE K. is open 24/7 and is 100% anonymous. I know there is a lot of...
October 7th, the Black Sabbath
One year ago, when it all happened, I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I had a severe reaction to cancer treatment that nearly took my life. People were whispering to me about terrorists in Israel, but it did not register. I had no idea what was happening. I...
Flipping the Bird
We are nearing the end of summer, although this is not reflected in the temperature in Israel. There is a barely-discernible breeze in the evenings. I have observed a few clouds in the morning. Otherwise, no change - hot, sticky and sad, like the politics. When was...
I Found Out I Almost Died Two Weeks After It Happened
Hello and welcome back my dear readers. Six weeks of my life are a blur, a challenging state for someone like me who finds detail essential and empowering. I’m always looking for deets. The day I was admitted to the hospital my partner left for Israel to work in the...
Navigating Thanksgiving Conundrums and Unveiling the Shadows of Antisemitism
View in browser Hi L+M readers, . This is a weekly, free edition of Love and Medicine. Navigating Thanksgiving Conundrums and Unveiling the Shadows of Antisemitism DR. ANNE KOPLIN NOV 24 READ IN APP “Can I really not put butter in the mashed potatoes?”  My daughter...
You all know how I feel about gifts. We want to get rid of stuff and clutter. Links to gifts featured on Love and Medicine. Sweater  Chimes Mugs Candlesticks Socks More socks more socks Bird Feeder  Things that moved me this week: A Nearly Perfect Family THIS!...
You know how I feel about gifts.  I want to get rid of stuff. We all should be Döstädning. However, if you’re the one doing the shopping, I would recommend seeking advice from someone you trust. Someone like me, for instance. I have a few gift ideas —things I...


You know how I feel about gifts.  I want to get rid of stuff. We all should be Döstädning. However, if you’re the one doing the shopping, I would recommend seeking advice from someone you trust. Someone like me, for instance. I have a few gift ideas —things I...

Flipping the Bird
We are nearing the end of summer, although this is not reflected in the temperature in Israel. There is a barely-discernible breeze in the evenings. I have observed a few clouds in the morning. Otherwise, no change - hot, sticky and sad, like the politics. When was...
I Found Out I Almost Died Two Weeks After It Happened
Hello and welcome back my dear readers. Six weeks of my life are a blur, a challenging state for someone like me who finds detail essential and empowering. I’m always looking for deets. The day I was admitted to the hospital my partner left for Israel to work in the...
You know how I feel about gifts.  I want to get rid of stuff. We all should be Döstädning. However, if you’re the one doing the shopping, I would recommend seeking advice from someone you trust. Someone like me, for instance. I have a few gift ideas —things I...
The Shoemaker Walks Barefoot
You never want to be the roommate that is always home. That would be me right now.  For the first time in decades, I don’t have a carry-on suitcase in my bedroom awaiting the next spontaneous trip. Occasionally I feel a pang of FOMO (damn social media).  Everyone...
No one Knows I Have Cancer Unless I Tell Them
In a matter of months I will look more like other cancer patients than like my own family. I have always been amazed by the capabilities of the human body, its ability to navigate us through life. I have taken care of my body by staying active and eating nutritious...
Three Summer Game-changers
1. Outdoor showers - My grandfather used to say "The best thing about this meal was the porch!"  Sort of a backhanded compliment but he was that kind of guy. Just as the same dish tastes better outside, an outdoor shower beats the indoor by a long shot. In summer,...
You know how I feel about gifts.  I want to get rid of stuff. We all should be Döstädning. However, if you’re the one doing the shopping, I would recommend seeking advice from someone you trust. Someone like me, for instance. I have a few gift ideas —things I...
From Awe to Ahh…
*this post and this week's newsletter were written before the holy day of Yom Kippur, 10/5/22* Last night I dreamed that Mark Ruffalo was cuddled up against me naked, spooning. I’m not sure it was him exactly but it was his type - a crumpled just-got-out-of-bed sexy...
Doing Only as Well as Your Least Healthy Child
You, who are on the roadMust have a code that you can live byAnd so, become yourselfBecause the past is just a goodbye Teach your children wellTheir father's hell did slowly go byAnd feed them on your dreamsThe one they pick's the one you'll know by Don't you ever ask...
I’m Done Being Called a Downer
Hey I'm back! I'm sitting in the kitchen with my laptop, noshing on homegrown pears as I reflect on the summer of 2022. The highs were exquisite and the lows were pretty damn dark. If you want me to photoshop this newsletter, it is not going to happen. I promised...
Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time
It is said that if you haven’t had Covid yet you probably have no friends. ????????‍♀️ I have been a low-risk taker during the pandemic. I locked down when there wasn’t even a lockdown. I did not socialize. This week I engaged in more social interaction than I had in...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
The most romantic day of the year is here. Whether you are alone or all loved up, Valentine's Day is all about it. I have been a cynic when it comes to this Hallmark holiday. This year I am looking at it through a different lens - part of my effort to be less...
The Circle of Life

The Circle of Life

I’m in bed with a nagging cold-not-Covid. My body is exhausted but my mind is full. Grab a tea, hot water with lemon, or a hot toddy and let’s do this. A novel could be written about last weekend in New York. Like most recent visits there, it started with a family...

From Awe to Ahh…

From Awe to Ahh…

*this post and this week's newsletter were written before the holy day of Yom Kippur, 10/5/22* Last night I dreamed that Mark Ruffalo was cuddled up against me naked, spooning. I’m not sure it was him exactly but it was his type - a crumpled just-got-out-of-bed sexy...

Doing Only as Well as Your Least Healthy Child

You, who are on the roadMust have a code that you can live byAnd so, become yourselfBecause the past is just a goodbye Teach your children wellTheir father's hell did slowly go byAnd feed them on your dreamsThe one they pick's the one you'll know by Don't you ever ask...

Party Like it’s 5783!

Last Sunday evening, Jews all over the world celebrated the start of the year 5783. We began the holiday meal dipping apples in honey to symbolize our wish for a sweet year. Our family went with a mix of traditional classics with a few modern twists: warm home-made...

I’m Done Being Called a Downer

I’m Done Being Called a Downer

Hey I'm back! I'm sitting in the kitchen with my laptop, noshing on homegrown pears as I reflect on the summer of 2022. The highs were exquisite and the lows were pretty damn dark. If you want me to photoshop this newsletter, it is not going to happen. I promised...

Three Summer Game-changers

Three Summer Game-changers

1. Outdoor showers - My grandfather used to say "The best thing about this meal was the porch!"  Sort of a backhanded compliment but he was that kind of guy. Just as the same dish tastes better outside, an outdoor shower beats the indoor by a long shot. In summer,...

Worst-kept Secret

Worst-kept Secret

  On a dark night in Tokyo, we were on a mission to find Ben Fiddich. The address was right but there was no sign. Had it closed since our friend had been there?  We entered a sketchy elevator to the 9th floor, climbed a rickety outdoor staircase and walked...

Is It Time to Jump Ship?

Is It Time to Jump Ship?

Considering the circumstances, do you feel the best you could possibly be feeling? Every day while locked in hotel quarantine, an Australian government social worker called me and posed that question. I thought it was a clever way to ask and it gave me pause to really...

Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time

Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time

It is said that if you haven’t had Covid yet you probably have no friends. ????????‍♀️ I have been a low-risk taker during the pandemic. I locked down when there wasn’t even a lockdown. I did not socialize. This week I engaged in more social interaction than I had in...

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