Football is Life!
The human heart beats 100,000 times a day. It is highly sensitive to emotional and physical stress in the body. All of us have experienced the depths of sadness, when it feels like the heart is broken, the rapid flutter when in love and the pounding of the heart when...

Navigating Thanksgiving Conundrums and Unveiling the Shadows of Antisemitism
View in browser Hi L+M readers, . This is a weekly, free edition of Love and Medicine. Navigating Thanksgiving Conundrums and Unveiling the Shadows of Antisemitism DR. ANNE KOPLIN NOV 24 READ IN APP “Can I really not put butter in the mashed potatoes?” My daughter...
Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time
It is said that if you haven’t had Covid yet you probably have no friends. ????????♀️ I have been a low-risk taker during the pandemic. I locked down when there wasn’t even a lockdown. I did not socialize. This week I engaged in more social interaction than I had in...
Kosher in a Nonkosher World
"I'm not a practicing Jew but I keep a kosher kitchen just to spite Hitler."~Miriam Margoyles Very few non-religious Jews observe kosher dietary laws. Here are the fundamental kosher rules for those who may not know. The word kosher in Hebrew...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
The most romantic day of the year is here. Whether you are alone or all loved up, Valentine's Day is all about it. I have been a cynic when it comes to this Hallmark holiday. This year I am looking at it through a different lens - part of my effort to be less...
Happy New Year 2022
What a year, right?! Thank you to my Love and Medicine readers, I am truly grateful for your support. With so much to read out there, I am glad you choose me. Continue to comment and provide feedback. All of your emails and Ask Dr. Annie K. questions are anonymous....
Coregasm 101
What are Coregasms? Coregasms are a TikTok sensation that sex researchers have known about for decades. The medical term is Exercise-Induced Orgasm (EIO). These are orgasms that happen spontaneously when doing physical exercise. Abdominal exercises are the strongest...
"I have been struggling with anxiety and depression throughout most of my life. However, the past few months I have started to notice that these feelings get a lot worse right before and during my period. During my period I feel like I am at my very lowest -...
Age Like Nobody’s Watching
Life goes so slow. Slow, like molasses. I don’t understand why people say it goes by fast. My kids should be older than they are by now - their childhoods were long and so was mine. I have lived many lives in this one lifetime. I'm guessing I’m in the minority on this...
10 Reasons Why I Love My Turkish Towel Even More
You may know how much I love my Turkish towel from my first article published in 2016. Now I love it even more. 1. They are so gorgeous. I’ve never met a Turkish towel I didn’t like. They come in vibrant colors as well as more muted tones. The patterns are simple,...
Now You Can Go to Turkey
When my dad in Milwaukee was diagnosed with cancer in 1998, we were living in Israel. We built a home in the community of Maccabim, halfway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. It was a modest townhouse with a small yard big enough to accommodate a patio, an inflatable...