Coregasm 101
What are Coregasms? Coregasms are a TikTok sensation that sex researchers have known about for decades. The medical term is Exercise-Induced Orgasm (EIO). These are orgasms that happen spontaneously when doing physical exercise. Abdominal exercises are the strongest...

The Circle of Life
I’m in bed with a nagging cold-not-Covid. My body is exhausted but my mind is full. Grab a tea, hot water with lemon, or a hot toddy and let’s do this. A novel could be written about last weekend in New York. Like most recent visits there, it started with a family...
Solitude is not an absence of energy or action, as some believe, but it is rather a boon of wild provisions transmitted to us from the soul. In ancient times, purposeful solitude was both palliative and preventative. It was used to heal fatigue and to prevent...
The Secret Killer in Your DNA
Who’s afraid of genetic testing? Pretty much everyone. Just like there are people who unpack their suitcase at a hotel and others who don’t, there are people who want to know their genetic risks and people who don’t. I get that. Particularly when it comes to diseases...
The Weekend
What are you up to this weekend? I'm laying low; I got no deeds to do, no promises to keep. Here are a few suggestions for reading and watching...have a good one! If only I had the problem of big hair! This is a fun read about hair and identity. How One Woman Refused...
Hula Hoops
Why in the world would anyone posting their first post on their first blog write about Hula Hoops? Because hula hoops are a metaphor. They represent what I write about in this blog. My sister and I ate at Crazy Water then ventured to Paliafito EcoArts Park to watch...
This is a time of transition mentally and physically. Some love it, others less so. Here are some tips to help all of us stay present in the moment and accept the changes in this astounding universe. Let's start with the one everyone loves to hate... 1. Get a flu...
Ask Dr. Annie K.: Pain
I’m 22 years old and haven’t had sex yet. I’ve had close encounters, but every time I try I experience a lot of pain. Actually any sort of penetration brings severe pain and discomfort (tampons, fingers etc). i’ve had a basic exam from my gynecologist who reports...
You don’t have to be superstitious to at least give a passing thought to the fact that it is Friday the 13th and a full harvest moon. While Love and Medicine raises a skeptical eyebrow to such folklore, I like to use these cosmic events as a diving board for...
The Lifeguard
In honor of the end of summer, here is a little short story about summer love. The Mediterranean sea is unusually rough. The waves vigorously clap the sand, sending a salty mist into the ocean breeze. The white sand, like sifted flour, surrenders to the harsh waves,...
Intercontinental Parenting
My three children are adults now. They live in Australia, Los Angeles and Israel. I can’t picture any of them living in Milwaukee. They are happy where they are. Here are some of the ways I deal with the distance. It’s not easy. 1.Trust their choices. My eldest...